In this section you can consult the privacy policy of this site.

The reasons we’re giving this information

You will hereafter find a description of how the site is managed concerning all personal data processing of the users that visit this page.

This document contains information concerning the processing of personal data in compliance with art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 679/2016 ( hereafter GDPR )and refers to whoever may interact with the pages of the web site, starting from the address:

This document concerns only previously mentioned sites and not also other websites the user visits from links on these sites.

This document also complies with the 2001/2 Recommendation that the European Authorities for personal Data Protection Policies, who met forming the Group established by art.29 Directive n.95/46/CE, decided to implement (May 17th 2001) in order to outline minimum requirements concerning collecting personal data on line, and, in particular, the methods, timing and nature of the information that the Controllers of the Personal Data Processing shall supply to the users when they visit web pages, regardless of the reason for connecting to the web site.

The controller of personal data processing

After visiting this web site, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed.

The “controller” of the personal data processing is Acqua Sant’Anna S.p.A.

Where the personal data is processed

All processing related to the web services of this web site is carried out within the above mentioned premises and is handled only by technical officers, or by other personnel entrusted with occasional maintenance.
None of the data coming from the web site is released outside of our company. The personal data rendered by the users who make requests for information are used with the sole aim of supplying the service required by the user and are released to third parties only when necessary in order to meet the users’ requirements.



What type of data are processed?

Navigation data / cookies
Our company has examined the Provisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority “Identification of simplified means in regards to the Protection Policy and collecting consent for the use of cookies” (May 8th 2014[web doc.n.3118884]( published on the June 3rd edition of Gazzetta Ufficiale, n.126).
Following this measure Acqua Sant’Anna S.p.A. intends to inform that the web sites of their property, and that are mentioned in this document, use only technical cookies and not cookies aimed at user data profiling (profiling cookies).
We wish to inform you, concerning only the technical nature of cookies and protocols, as follows:

  • The IT systems and software procedures that make this web site operational, collect personal data when running. Processing such data is implicit when using internet communication protocols.
  • This information is not collected in order to be associated with identified persons, but by its nature could, by means of processing and merging with data held by third parties, lead to identification of the user.
  • This category of data includes IP addresses or the domain names of the computers with which the users access the web site, the URI naming addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the required resources, the time and method with which the request was forwarded to the server, the size of the answer file, the numerical code that indicates the state of the server’s response (OK, error, etc) and other parameters relating to the operating system and to the user’s IT environment.

This website may use other Cookies types:

  • Advertising: DoubleClick, ShareThis and Facebook Custom Audience
  • Social Media: Facebook Connect

The data are used only for collecting anonymous statistic information concerning the use of the web site and for monitoring that the site is working correctly. The data could however be used to verify any responsibility in the event of any IT offences to the detriment of the web site.

In any case the user may make use of the functions of each browser to give consent, to block or cancel cookies(entirely or partially); in the event that all or some of the cookies are erased, the site may become inaccessible or some of the services or functions may become unavailable or will not work correctly and/or the user may have to modify or rewrite some information or preferences every time they visit the web site. For more information about how to set preferences concerning cookies by means of a browser, instructions can be found here:

Purposes for processing data

The user’s data are collected in order to allow the Controller to supply services, and for the following purposes: interaction with live-chat platforms, Statistics and Interaction with social networking systems and external platforms.
The types of Personal Data used for each of the purposes are listed in the specific sections of this document.



Processing methods

All personal data are processed with automated tools for the amount of time that is strictly necessary to satisfy the purpose for which the data were collected.
Specific safety measures are respected in order to prevent loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorised access.

Data provided intentionally by the user

Discretionary, explicit and deliberate disclosure of an email address to the addresses shown in this site implies subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, and other annexed personal data. The email address is necessary in order to reply to the user’s requests.
Data given when subscribing to the newsletter on the web site, or when sending requests by filling in the form, also on the web site, will be acquired only after the user has given consent to Personal Data Processing.
The web site pages concerning services on demand will be continuously updated with specific, concise information concerning other services.

Discretionary disclosure of data

Apart from the above specification in regards to navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data by filling in forms for information.
Should these data not be given the requests may not be met.

Complaints to the data protection authority

It is within the stakeholder’s rights to make claims to the Data Protection Authority (Italy: Personal Data Protection Authority

Stackholders' rights

At any time the stakeholders, to whom the personal data refer, have the right to require that the Data Controller amends or cancels any of such data or that the related processing be limited, to object to processing of the data. Furthermore the stakeholders maintain the right to data portability (art.15-22 Regulation EU 679/2016).
Right to revoke consent. The stakeholder has the right to revoke their consent at any time, revocation does not impair the lawfulness of data processing based on consent given prior to revocation.

Requests must be forwarded:

  • by emailing to:
  • or by normal post to Acqua Sant’Anna S.p.A, Via Commendator Giuseppe Bertone, 1 – 12010 Vinadio (CN)
Document format

This document on privacy can be found in automated format in PDF (Portable Document Format) and is supported by the most recent browsers.

If there are any problems in viewing this document, please contact us in order to allow us to find alternative means.
This document can be found at this web address: and is the “Privacy Policy” that rules this site and may, if necessary, be updated.

Cookie Summary